How to Minor in Philosophy

Brittany McKinley-2Brittany McKinley, Philosophy Minor 2015, and University of Chicago Law School student

“I graduated from LMU with a philosophy minor in 2015. Since, graduation, I have gone on to work as a legal assistant at a Business Litigation firm in Irvine, gaining a lot of much-needed experience before applying to law school. I have now been accepted into the University of Chicago Law School which I will be attending this Fall. Being a philosophy minor definitely contributed to my getting into a top-five law school. Philosophy’s emphasis on reasoning and being able to properly articulate that reasoning equipped me with the skills necessary to do well on the LSAT and exceedingly well in interviews. I loved my experience with the Philosophy Department and would definitely encourage anyone interested in the legal field to take it on as a major or minor.”

Brittany is just one of our many success stories. Perhaps you, too, want to reap some of the benefits of studying Philosophy without majoring in it. By declaring a Philosophy minor, you can. The process is simple. Complete a Change of Program form (available from the Philosophy Department Chair), and complete five courses in Philosophy, of which at least three are upper-division (3000- & 4000-level). PHIL courses satisfying core curriculum requirements (for example, PHIL 1800 , PHIL 3100 ) count towards the minor. So by completing those core requirements you are already one-third of the way to a PHIL minor. An average of C (2.0) must be maintained in courses in the minor.

For more information about minoring in Philosophy, or to declare a Philosophy minor, contact Dr. Ian Moore (, Philosophy Minors Advisor.